"YTH @ Peace is a place where every student can feel welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported."
Sunday Worship
Join us for worship at 10:00am, our worship services are engaging for adults AND their kids! Be sure to check our calendar for fun events after worship!
Youth Group
Wed (Sept—May) 5:30-8pm. We invite middle-school and high-school students to gather together, sharing a community meal before we head to the youth room and ask the hard questions about God, faith, and the world we live in. We emphasize the sharing of their own story as a means toward growth. We often play group games, discuss the joys and challenges of each of our individual lives, hold one another accountable, and build each other up. All are welcome!
Youth Group
Each summer, we stay connected with our youth through Bible studies, group activities, service projects, and mission trips. We break up the traditional programming to deepen their life of faith with hands-on experience.
Typically, there is one middle school mission trip, and one high school mission trip in the summer and one combined in the fall.

Meet Deonte
Deontè will be joining our staff on Monday, February 3 2025! As we welcome Deontè to join us at Peace Church, we want you to have plenty of opportunities to get to know this energetic and encouraging young man. After worship on February 9, please join us in the fellowship hall for a reception for you to meet Deontè. We’ll have cupcakes and a time of celebration as Deontè begins his work and ministry with us.